Our pastoral project includes the experience of God when meeting with the most needy

by coming up with specific activities that help us build a fairer world in solidarity with the most impoverished, by getting closer to and transforming the margins of the world.

We organise charity campaigns on all levels of our school.

The campaigns are held to provide financial assistance, raise awareness, promote the faith and the sense of belonging to the Universal Church.

With all these campaigns we aim to raise awareness and teach about the need for us all to help build a fairer world:

  • Domund campaign
  • Christmas Campaign (Operation kilo)
  • Day of Peace
  • Manos Unidas Campaign
  • Charity sandwich
  • Charity Week

Furthermore, the school has voluntary workers for 5th year of Primary to 2nd year of Higher Secondary education.

Entangled (5th and 6th year of Primary education):

The children of these ages are organised to help in the breaktimes of the Pre-school children’s dining area. They prepare games, they help children who fight with others…

Charity workshop (1st and 2nd year of Compulsory Secondary education):

The students spend some of their free time doing simple craftwork using recycled materials. These handcrafts are sold at school parties and the money made is sent to missions in Africa.

Heat and coffee (Higher Secondary education):

The students of these ages spend one evening-night of the week giving hot coffee and a meal to homeless people near the school. The objective is to help and assist them.

All the financial contributions go to Church campaigns and the Sacred Hearts missions in Africa.